Posted on 05.19.10
early morning radio spot this morning went well- huge thanks to steve nichols @ magic 97.7!
i was thinking….facebook, myspace, twitter, etc…all good, but let’s face it- once someone becomes a fan, how often do they really come back to see what’s happening with you? or, if they happen to have a couple hundred or more friends, do they even see updates that are posted? it’s not that anyone is ignoring what others are saying, but it’s pretty tough to catch everything unless you’re looking at your computer screen like brokers watch the stock ticker. now that i think about it, “farmville” may actually have a purpose in keeping fans poised for new news, a solid addition to it’s current purpose of keeping people indoors on a sunny day & helping many to forget that actual “visiting” is better than being asked for a truckload of lettuce to feed their protein-deprived kids (hey, i don’t play it….how would i know what all of this stuff is for?) here’s an idea, take 5 minutes, grab a piece of paper and a pen, write, “dear [insert someone you care about here….anyone, seriously], just wanted to let you know i was thinking about you. signed, [you]”. fold it up, put it in an envelope, address it accordingly, and then (get ready, this seems to be the hard part), bring it to the post office, stamp it and drop it in the “out” box. you’ll be amazed at how much you made that person’s day when they receive it.
where am i going with this? no where, really. but thanks for reading that paragraph. it’s honestly just me coming to the realization that my mailing list is so much more powerful than anything else.
i’ve decided to post lyrics for the songs on this record. you know, stuff to read, read into, burn after reading. it’s funny, as i was spell-checking them, i realized how many i had to either cut out or edit! many changes occurred from when & how the songs were written to the time that they were recorded. kind of a cool transition, really. (i stopped listening to the original versions- they’ll only mess me up when i play these out live!)
i need to hurry up. all of my ideas run out as my coffee gets colder…..